This is the story of Tiger Division 503. Established on May 4, 1942, as the first of ten independent tiger detachments in Neuruppin, Putlos, Fallingbostel, and Döllersheim, it had its baptism of fire on December 30, 1942 east and west of the Lower Don and on Manch. In February 1943, she was upgraded to full strength - 3 companies with a total of 45 Tiger tanks - and participated in the defensive battle in the Donets area and in the Mius Donets position in March and April 1943. Relocated to the Kharkov area, the department fought on the front line at the company "Zitadelle", the last major German offensive in the East. After fighting in the 8th Army on the Dnieper, in Kiev and in South Ukraine, she opened in the union with the heavy tank regiment Bäke the boiler of Cherkassy and thus made possible the outbreak of German associations from this cauldron. From March to mid-April 1944 used at Tarnopol, it went back to the home for refreshment. Here, the 1st Company was converted as the first unit of the German Wehrmacht to the Tiger II, the King Tiger. Relocated to the invasion front in June 1944, the division fought until August at Caen, Cagny, and east of the Orne. After refreshment in Paderborn, the defensive battles in Hungary followed, the "Operation Horty", the fighting in the area of Budapest, at Lake Balaton, the Danube, the Carpathians and north of Vienna. In its 36-month existence, the department had spent 25 months in the front line. To the bitter end, the Tiger Division fought 503 - in their ranks so successful gunners and tank commanders, such as Sergeant Kurt Knispel, Oberfähnrich Rondorf and sergeant Heinz Gärtner. 688 pages over 350 b / w size approx. 25.5 x 31 cm German text Hardcover bound with dust jacket. Dimensions: 25.5 x 5.5 x 30.8 cm Hardcover: 696 pages Language: German