The legendary 8.8cm Flak of the Wehrmacht was used not only against aircraft, but also against enemy tanks of all kinds. Since the anti-tank guns at the beginning of the war from the 3.7 cm Pak 36 was and these were not effective enough had to be resorted to the 8.8 cm FlaK back. The 8.8 cm Flak is often the only available weapon that could destroy enemy tanks from a distance
- up to 2000 m. In mid-1944, almost 11,000 copies of types 18, 36 and 37 were in combat at the Wehrmacht.
The set contains an illustrated instruction manual Compatible with other brands Made in Poland, EU
Product weight: 159 g
Product dimensions 29 x 5.5 x 24 cm
Age recommended by the manufacturer: From 5 years
Safety instructions: Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years.
Use under the supervision of adults