The inventor of the German Panzer Weapon and tactical leader in the Combat Weapons Combat, Colonel-General Heinz Guderian. Padding - do not spill! That was the motto that General Guderian repeatedly preached to his armored men, his officers and, at the end of his illustrious career, to his chief warlords. This thought also runs through his book and tears the reader, although the "Fast Heinz" deliberately renounced sensational representations and sensationalism. This is precisely why the many dramatic parts of his work are all the more powerful. That the uncomfortable tectician was deposed three times during the war becomes understandable to anyone who reads his memories. An independent, unbureaucratic head, an iron will and a daring bravado, which always left a path, marked the well-known next to Field Marshal Rommel armored commander of the Second World War. The creator of the German Panzer Force was not the first to recognize the possibilities and tactics of this fast, mobile weapon. But he was the only one who enforced it so consistently and successfully. His teachings have long since become the common property of all the armies of the world.
Hardcover: 465 pages
Language: German
Size: 17.7 x 3.2 x 24.4 cm