June 1944. The Red Army launches a major offensive against Germany and Finland. The Finns are threatened with total occupation by the Soviet Union. Heavily outnumbered, the Finnish army is preparing for counterattacks against the Russians. General Lagus leads a Panzer Division and Jägerbrigaden into action. For the first time, his son is also in the front line. At the cannon of an assault gun he experiences his baptism of fire. Together with the young tank driver Virtanen they attack the Russian tanks. Lieutenant Osmo leads the first anti-tank battalion to stop the Russians with bazookas. They receive air support from the Stukas and Focke-Wulfs of the Kuhlmey Division. The decisive battle of Tali-Ihantala is imminent.
Format: PAL, widescreen
Language: Finnish (DTS-HD 5.1), German (DTS-HD 5.1)
Subtitles: German, English, French, Dutch, Polish
Region: Region B / 2, Region A / 1
AspectRatio: 16: 9 - 2.35: 1
Number of discs: 1
FSK: Approved from 16 years
Release date: July 17, 2012
Playing time: 116 minutes