In 1934 he received the order from the Reichsführer SS under his simultaneous takeover in the SS, as commander to build the SS Junker School Braunschweig. In his school he formed the leader corps of the Waffen-SS until the summer of 1936. He then took over as an inspector in the SS-Hauptamt the organization and training of the Waffen-SS. As the creator of the Waffen-SS, he developed a soldierly doctrine based on the principles of elite, loyalty, obedience, decency, and chivalry. He introduced wild audacity and revolutionary passion of youth into the order of the soldierly world. Starting with the emergence of the SS squad, he describes their innumerable front-line operations, the fatal sacrifice of the Waffen-SS into captivity, the persecution and defamation of the Nuremberg Victims' Tribunal as members of a criminal organization, and finally Hausser's tireless fight against his criminalization Soldiers, the commitment for their pension claims and the regaining of their honor. Mathias draws in a fascinating book, the impressive image of a man who has fought in spite of severe wounds again and again regardless of his own person sacrificially for his country. Paul Hausser was a man of honor of the highest order who never lost sight of the responsibility for his men and only followed his conscience.
Packaging dimensions: 25 x 18 x 3 cm 480 pages, many pictures.
- Language: German