Products description
224 p., many b/w. Fig., bilingual German/English, published in atlas large format
The approximately 1,300 km long Finnish-Soviet border led through tundra, forest and swamp areas, which in the polar region lay in darkness for months in winter. The opponents did not face each other in a continuous main battle line, but entrenched themselves in fixed bases from which fighter commandos and scouting squads were sent out, which often operated far into the enemy's rear. The photo book shows this merciless struggle in spectacular photos. Only the toughest fighters on the part of the Waffen-SS men could endure the brutal circumstances. The utmost was demanded of people and animals – and the front stood like a rock. The work traces the individual combat operations of the SS mountain infantry at the side of the Finnish brother-in-arms.
Christian Sempert
Carl-Struck-Str. 15
17192 Waren Müritz
Telefon: 03991/7780647
This Product was added to our catalogue on 15/11/2022.