With an introduction by Colonel a. D. Hajo Herrmann.This book represents a small section of the soldierly exploits of the last war. 27 German soldiers of all ranks, from the Private to the General, have written it and shown in it how bravely committed with the will to the final consequence also to master hopelessly seeming destiny. Successful fighters of all three Wehrmacht sections - army, air force, navy - and from all branches of arms come to word: the infantryman, the machine-gunner and pioneer, the light, the Sturm- and the Flakartillerist, the paratrooper and the Panzerjäger, the combatant , Dive bomber and reconnaissance plane, the day and night fighter, the submarine commander, the one-man torpedo driver and the nearly 20-year-old lieutenant, who spent days looking for comrades behind the American lines in 1945, found and brought back happily have a great name in their own circle and remained for the whole of the German people yet unknown soldiers, nameless fighters in most theaters of war: in France and Greece, in Crete, in Africa and Russia, in the vast expanses of the oceans and in the dizzy heights of the skies. Here these men accomplished their deeds, which are part of their being and being.
304 pages,
Language: German zahlr. b / w portrait photography, bound