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If the oak tree bearers already form the elite of the German Wehrmacht, then the 148 sword bearers are even the boldest of the bold. The life data of all bearers of this high valorization award is compiled in this work. 19 of them are also honored by detailed biographies with portrait portraits. Among them well-known names such as the generals Galland and Hausser as well as the field marshals Manstein and Rommel. But also as Obersturmbann- and Hauptsturmführer the Waffen-SS and Colonel of the Army could get the swords, as the bearer names Günther- Eberhard Wislizeny, Michael Wittmann and Heinz-Georg Lemm prove that are presented in this book alive and lifelike.
320 p., B / w. Fig., Born. in large format.
Language: German