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Here, the reader learns how the World's Best Army is leading a hero battle against a 20-fold superiority on the Eastern Front. An authentically written book by Hans Heinz Rehfeldt, which was part of a grenade launcher of the 8th Company of the 2nd Battalion of the Infantry Regiment of Greater Germany, witnessing the lossy defensive battles during the cold Russian winter of 1941-42. After two wounds and recovery at home, he returns to the front in January 1943 under his division in the battles of Bjelgorod and Kharkov. As a soldier of the Panzergrenadier Division Großdeutschland in July 1943, he takes part in the great tank battle for the Kursk front arch, the company Zitadelle.
Hardcover: 376 pages
Language: German
Sizes: 17.4 x 3 x 24.6 cm