Erich von Lewinski called Manstein (1887 - 1973) was one of the most important strategists and army leaders in the Second World. On his operation plan ("sickle cut") was based on the successful Western campaign. In the Russian campaign he conquered the Crimea and Sevastopol with the 11th Army. As Field Marshal and Commander in Chief of Army Group Don (later South), after the Stalingrad tragedy he succeeded in thwarting the impending constriction of the entire German southern wing and once again wresting the initiative from the Soviet leadership. However, after the disagreements with Hitler over the operational leadership in the East had become unbridgeable, Manstein was relieved of his command because of his criticism of the Wehrmacht leadership in March 1944. "So ended the military career of the most dangerous opponent of the Allies," as the British military writer Sir Basil Liddell Hart noted. Manstein's unvarnished, understandable and compelling account of military events and problems authentically reflects the dramatic events of immediate experience. His military memoirs from 1939 to 1944 are among the most highly regarded at home and abroad in the history of the Second World War.
Hardcover: 668 pages
Language: German
Size: 13.8 x 5 x 21.1 cm