Those who do not want to learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them. Bosnia, Rwanda and Dafur prove this ancient wisdom. The author, a Swiss international lawyer and historian, has created an introductory work in his fifth edition "Remarks on Expulsion", which does not stick to the mere description of the often terrible events, but also embeds the process historically correct , The history of the expulsion of Germans from the East, the Treaty of Versailles, the situation of the Germans in Poland and Czechoslovakia in the interwar period, the anti-German pogroms in Poland after the war began in 1939, but also Hitler's "Lebensraum ideas" are discussed in detail, and clearly that the latter can not be used as a cause or excuse for expulsion. Much of the book is taken up by the description of the expulsion itself, with accounts of witnesses, documents, figures, and figures helping to make the terrible happenings understandable. 12 million people were driven west, more than two million were killed or killed directly. Are the crimes of Hitler actually the reason for the mass distributions, or did other plans play an important role in the East as in the Western Allies? The author also examines this question to finally describe the integration of the expellees in the Federal Republic of Germany. Newly published photos from the fund of the Red Cross in Geneva make the book particularly indispensable.
Hardcover: 247 pages
Language: German
Size and / or weight: 15.9 x 2 x 23.6 cm