Churchill, Hitler and the unnecessary war: How Great Britain lost its empire and the West the world. For the first time, the eloquent American politician, publicist and book author of political success books announces a contemporary-historical work, which reached the American bestseller lists immediately after publication. In his search for the causes of the imminent downfall of the white world, Buchanan is targeting the self-destruction of European peoples during World War II. Was the European fratricidal war between Britain and the German Reich really unavoidable? Buchanan compares the personality and politics of his opponents Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler and comes to results that stand in stark contrast to today's clichés. The decision on war or peace was in Churchill's hands: it had been Churchill who encouraged Poland in his provocative policy against the Reich; it was Churchill who rescinded diplomacy in the days leading up to September 1 and favored Hitler's attack on Poland, and it was Churchill who made a world war with Britain's declaration of war on the German Reich from the regional conflict of Poland-Germany. As a result of this "unnecessary war", at the end of which the downfall of England's hegemony in the world was lost, Europe lost its worldwide significance, shattered the self-confidence of the West, and the white world in Europe and the United States was about to face its imminent end.
Hardcover: 368 pages
Language: German
Size and / or weight: 17.4 x 3.8 x 24.6 cm