Obergruppenfuhrer and General of the Waffen-SS Felix Steiner. In addition to the former Reichswehr General and later SS Colonel Group Leader and Colonel General of the Waffen-SS Paul "Papa" Hausser, Steiner was one of the key figures involved in the construction of the Waffen-SS. This book is not intended to serve the so-called rehabilitation of the Waffen-SS and their soldiers, it does not court the favor of the Zeitgeist, but places this young Waffen-SS, both admired and feared in the war, within the framework of a defense-historical development in which they occupies an excellent place. The deeply impressive examples of the Waffen-SS education and combat, in which their 38 divisions were involved on all fronts during World War II, completely destroy misconceptions.
Hardcover: 352 pages
Language: German
Packaging dimensions: 20.8 x 14.2 x 2.8 cm