Author Otto Weidinger was an officer of the Waffen-SS, most recently in the rank of SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer. and commander of the SS Regiment "Der Führer". Weidinger 1958 Federal Chairman of the HIAG. Over 1,000 photos show the 2nd SS Panzer Division "Das Reich" in the most important war zones of the Second World War in East and West. The history of the tribal units of this division - the SS Regiments "Germany", "Germania" and from 1938 "Der Führer" - go back to the beginning of the SS-Verfügungstruppe. After the use in the Polish campaign in close association with the army divisions, followed the summary of the associations in the SS disposal division under SS group leader Paul Hausser with subsequent deployment in the Western campaign. In April 1941, the division - now in SS Division "Reich" (from 1942 "The Reich") renamed - used in the Balkans, which found its culmination with the capture of Belgrade by stratagem. The hard-won advance during the Russian campaign had been brought to a halt only a few kilometers from Moscow before the division was involved in the heavy defensive battles of the winter of 1941-42. Other important missions followed, i.a. at Kharkov, the company "Citadel" with the tank battle at Prokhorovka, in the defense of the Allied landing on the invasion front in Normandy, during the Battle of the Bulge and in the fighting in Hungary and Vienna in 1945. The last part of the division succeeded in May 1945 to evacuate German civilians from the city of Prague. This impressive pictorial documentation bears witness to the achievements, sufferings and hardships of these men and ensures that they are not forgotten.
Book, 288 p., Over 1,000 b / w. Fig.,
Text German and English, geb. in Atlas large format.
Language: German
Packaging dimensions: 29.2 x 21.6 x 2.6 cm