Erwin Rommel, known as "Wüstenfuchs" during the Second World War, was born on November 15, 1891 in Heidenheim an der Brenz. After he had opted for the military career, he joined in 1910 as a Fahnenjunker in the infantry regiment "King William I" (6. Württembergisches). Promoted to lieutenant in 1912, he fought with the beginning of the First World War on the Western Front. From October 1915 Rommel, now promoted to lieutenant, company commander at the Württemberg Mountain Battalion. End of 1917, the battalion was relocated to the Isonzo front and participated in the mountain war. In January 1918 Rommel was appointed as an orderly officer in the staff of the Wurttemberg General Command z.b.V. 64 moved there and experienced the end of the war. For his use in the First World War Erwin Rommel was awarded the Iron Cross second and first class, as well as the Order Pour le Mérite. In 1937, Erwin Rommel's book "Infantry attacks", in which he reports in detail about his assignments and experiences from the First World War.
Hardcover: 302 pages
Language: German
Size: 15.6 x 3.2 x 21.8 cm